Music Ministry
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.
Ephesians 5:19
The music ministry of Hillside Baptist Church is one that is uplifting and joyful. God has blessed our church with individuals who faithfully and lovingly serve Him with their musical talent. We believe our music ministries set the mood for worship in God's house, and prepare people's hearts for the preaching of God's word. Our services contain congregational singing along with choir, individual groups, orchestra, and instrumental songs that contain a clear Biblical message in worshiping the Lord.
Adult Choir
Our Adult choir consists of adults age 16 and up. This includes all levels of experience. They begin Sunday morning worship service with singing to praise our Lord, Jesus Christ through music. Practice is every Sunday evening at 4:45 pm. Please see Bro. John for more details.
Individual Groups
Our individual groups consists of anyone wanting to sing a special. From solos to full groups, each service provides opportunity to sing praises to our Savior. Click here to see our current music schedule. Contact Greg Mitchell for scheduling information.
Each service provides opportunity to use your musical talents that God has given you as a service to Him and for others. Each Sunday morning consists of an instrumental during our morning offering. We want to promote using your talents to glorify God. Contact Greg Mitchell for scheduling information.